Thursday, February 26, 2009

Guest Speaker Today - Feb. 26

Class, we have scheduled a guest speaker today. He is Gustavo Gonzalez, a media and human resources consultant for the Associated Press. Mr. Gonzalez recently retired as director of human resources for the San Antonio Express-News and he continues to work in the industry, travelling nationwide to give seminars for AP related industries. Mr. Gonzalez is a retired U.S. Air Force colonel with much experience in human relationships. His career in the newspaper industry has given him a keen insight to what is happening to print journalism today. Please take this opportunity to listen to what should be a very interesting talk on the state of print media. He will detail what young and aspiring journalists must do to secure a job in today's very tight job market and how some old dogs like him have been able to survive some unavoidable changes in the industry. Mr. Gonzalez attended TAMUK and has a bachelor's degree from the University of Texas-Pan American. He is an award winning college journalist for TAMUK. He has many professional and military awards which would be too many to mention. Please be in class early so that we can start the lecture (I will be lecturing on Chapter 7, briefly) and then devote our night to Mr. Gonzalez. See you soon.
Dr. Manuel Flores

Test No. 1 - (Take Home) due March 6 is the copy of the first test in History of Journalism. I will have a hard copy for all of you today. I will deliver it to SA and have April Esquivel or Dr. Coulton print it out for us. And, someone will deliver it to class tonight. Also, you can copy paste the document below to MS Word and print it out your self. You can actually answer on this post but I prefer you do it on your own. San Antonio students, you can mail them to me snail mail by contacting Dr. Coulton or April Esquivel, or work on it on your desk top and email it as an attachment. Good luck. This is very easy and is designed for you to read you book and gain some understanding about this very interesting part of our history. Good luck!
Dr. Flores

Here is Test 1

History of Journalism
Media In America
Test No. 1



(In the following statements, underline the correct answer is MS Word or, if you are returning a hard copy to the professor, circle the correct answer or write the correct answer on the side of the question.


1. The author of History of the Greek and Persian War, considered to be the first true historian, was

(a) Benjamin Franklin, (b) Herodotus, (c) Shakespeare, (d) Plato, (e) Tolstoy.

2. According to the “Introduction,” 3 of the values of the study of history are civic, intellectual, and

(a) financial, (b) moral, (c) occupational, (d) theoretical, (e) sociological

3. The best material to be used in conducting historical research is considered to be

(a) history books, (b) primary sources, (c) journal articles, (d) encyclopedia, (e) scientia.

4. According to the “Introduction,” the “primary goal of historians” is to

(a) make money, (b) tell stories, (c) explain the past truthfully,
(d) do as much research as possible in short amounts of time, (e) publish books and articles.


5. The oldest writing script is thought to be that of the

(a) Mongolians, (b) Rangolians, (c) Ethiopians, (d) French, (e) Chinese.

6. In the period between the death of Roman civilization and the invention of the printing press, much of the production of manuscripts was done by

(a) monks, (b) secretaria, (c) enscriveners, (d) notaries, (e) town clerks.

7. England’s first printer was

(a) William Caxton, (b) Bartleby the Scrivener, (c) John Bunyon,
(d) James Stuyvesant, (e) Harold the Lesser.

8. The immediate forerunners of newspapers were the “currents of news” known as

(a) scriveners, (b) sanctoria, (c) quillia, (d) corantos, (e) pamphlets.

9. The art of writing was first developed by the

(a) Sumerians, (b) Jews, (c) Italians, (d) Mongolians, (e) Rangolians, (f) Mayans and Aztecs

10. In 59 B.C. Julius Caesar developed a daily chronicle of Roman life entitled

(a) the Roman Journal, (b) Vox Magna, (c) Caesarius Italia, (b) Caesar’s News, (e) Acta Diurna.
11. Gutenberg normally is credited with the invention of

(a) newspapers, (b) pamphlets, (c) the English Bible, (d) movable type, (e) the iron printing press.

12. The 16th-century Venetian word for “penny”—the price to individuals who wished to hear newsletters read aloud—is the source of our word

(a) “crier,” (b) “gazette,” (c) “news chronicle,” (d) “microphone,” (e) “recording.”

13. The Areopagitica, a denunciation of licensing, was written by

(a) John Milton, (b) Paul Bunyon, (c) Voltaire, (d) Cotton Mather, (e) Lars Meust´ngaal.


14. The first Bible printed in the American colonies, also considered the first book published in the United States, was a translation into the language of

(a) the Spanish, (b) the Gypsies, (c) African slaves, (d) Algonquin Indians, (e) the Germans.

15. The site of the first printing press in the English colonies was

(a) Washington, D. C., (b) Mount Vernon, (c) Harvard College, (d) Philadelphia, (e) Fort Pitt.

16. The first newspaper that was published in the English colonies appeared

(a) to the colony’s governor to be an ideal tool for publicity,
(b) without interruption for the next 27 years, (c), in the midst of a cholera epidemic,
(d) in 1690, (e) on the eve of the French and Indian War.


17. The town that was the site of the earliest American newspapers was

(a) Andover, (b) Boston, (c) Charleston, (d) Dover, (e) New York.

18. The proprietor of America’s first attempt at a newspaper was

(a) Joseph Seton, (b) Mary Catharine Bowen, (c) Paul Revere,
(d) Jonathan Mandrake, (e) Benjamin Harris.

19. The publisher of the first American newspaper of continuous publication was the postmaster

(a) Andrew Atchison, (b) Williams Brandish, (c) John Campbell,
(d) Joseph Taylor of Dover, (e) Edward Wigglesworth.

20. The first newspaper that Benjamin Franklin owned was the

(a) Boston Expositor, (b) Charleston Southerner, (c) Pennsylvania Gazette,
(d) Virginia Voice, (e) Maryland Harbinger.

21. The first newspaper published in the American colonies was

(a) the Charleston News, (b) Publick Occurrences, (c) Goings and Comings,
(d) the New York Gazetteer, (e) This Week’s Record.

22. The first American newspaper of continuous publication was the

(a) Andover News, (b) Dover Tattle, (c) Boston News-Letter,
(d) Charleston Colonist, (e) New York Loyalist.

23. During the political fighting in which the New York Weekly Journal was involved, its printer was

(a) Charles Anderson Page, (b) Herbert Bayard Swope, (c) Marguerite Higgins,
(d) John Peter Zenger, (e) Damon Runyon.

24. The term “published by authority” that appeared on the colonial newspapers at this time was a form of

(a) freedom guaranteed by the British, (b) a sign of approval by the royal governor in advance,
(c) a form of censorship by the British, (d) Both b and c are correct.


25. The legislation that in 1765 began to solidify American opposition to British rule was the

(a) Canadian Bacon Rights Act, (b) Maritime Ordinance, (c) Stamp Act,
(d) Non-Binding Trade Agreement, (e) British Seaport Act.

26. The chief radical newspaper in the colonies prior to the Revolution was the

(a) Boston Gazette, (b) New-England Patriot, (c) New York Anti-Crown,
(d) New York Vigilant Argus, (e) Essex Incendiary.

27. The owner of the incendiary Massachusetts Spy was

(a) Isaiah Thomas, (b) Robert Jeffers, (c) Hugh Marlowe, (d) Rita Doerr, (e) Anthony Lewis.

28. Americans who lived during the time of the Revolution generally believed that the press

(a) was influential, (b) would cease publication after the war, (c) ran too many cartoons, (d) made too much money off the war, (e) ran too much advertising.

29. American printers who supported the British crown were known as

(a) Tories, (b) Redcoats, (c) Jackals, (d) Jack Tarrs, (e) Union Jacks, (f) Traitors

30. The author of Common Sense and the “American Crisis” papers was

(a) Thomas Jefferson, (b) James Madison, (c) Thomas Paine, (d) Karl Meyer, (e) Ben Franklin.

31. For the press, the war for American independence

(a) was easy to cover, (b) created great difficulties, (c) caused a new style of headline writing,
(d) increased circulation by almost four times, (e) multiplied advertising by approximately 300%.


32. The first editor of the Gazette of the United States, founded in 1789, was

(a) Horace Walpole, (b) William Livingston, (c) John Fenno,
(d) Frederick Grant, (e) Rumpole Bailey.

33. The leading Republican newspaper through much of the party period was the

(a) Washington Post, (b) New York Times, (c) New York Daily News,
(d) Boston Political Item, (e) Philadelphia Aurora.

35. One of the most striking characteristics of party newspapers was their

(a) abusive personal attacks, (b) emphasis on illustrations,
(c) use of spot color, (d) peculiar inverted headline style,
(e) interest in medical discoveries.

36. During the party press period there emerged on newspapers the true position of the

(a) editor, (b) columnist, (c) circulation manager, (d) publisher, (e) advertising manager.

37. During the party press period there appeared for the first time what would be considered

(a) modern literary essays, (b) free-form poetic verse, (c) timely telegraphic news,
(d) the true editorial form, (e) the modern feature story.


38. The pamphlet on divorce and against censorship written by the Puritan John Milton was

(a) Areopagitica, (b) A Treatise Concerning Freedom, (c) Truth and Marriage,
(d) Antii Vatica Logos, (e) Four Arguments for Printing.

39. The institution that monopolized and licensed printing in England in the 1500s-1600s was the

(a) British Licensing Board, (b) Printers Ink Union, (c) Royal Censors,
(d) Cryptorial Board, (e) Stationers Company, (f) SAG

40. Zenger’s defense attorney in his famous trial was

(a) James Madison, (b) Andrew Hamilton, (c) Patrick Henry, (d) John Locke

41. Probably the most important American event in the late 1700s affecting freedom of the press was

(a) the Marcosson v. Jennings court decision, (b) the Supreme Court decision in U.S. v. Harrison,
(c) the passage of the Federal Li¬censing Act, (d) the adoption of the First Amendment,
(e) Joseph Brown’s victory in his libel trial.

42. The defendant in the 1804 New York libel case that was brought on behalf of Thomas Jefferson and that re¬sulted in the expansion of libel law to allow truth to be presented as a defense was

(a) Cecil Calvertt of The Ea¬gle, (b) Jean Baptiste Colbert of the Carolina Centinel,
(c) Oliver Cromwell of the Brooklyn Argus, (d) Harry Croswell of The Wasp,
(e) John Singleton Copley of the Burke County Clintonian.


43. The most famous colonial trial involving freedom of the press was the 1735 New York trial of

(a) James C. Quarry, (b) Quock Walker, (c) Sir George Yeardley,
(d) Winthrop Y. Woolseley, (e) John Peter Zenger.

44. During the American Revolution, freedom of the press can best be described as

(a) absolute, (b) greater in the middle colonies than in the southern ones,
(c) honored in both word and deed, (d) virtually unlimited in areas under Patriot control, (e) restricted.

45. In 1798, in an attempt to silence their Republican opponents, the Federalists

(a) enacted the Federal Licens¬ing Act, (b) passed the Alien and Sedition Acts,
(c) banned newspapers from the mail,
(d) placed a tax on news¬papers not approved by the Secretary of State,
(e) established the Government Publications Review Board.


47. The first successful American penny newspaper was the

(a) Boston News, (b) Philadelphia Penny News, (c) Baltimore Cent,
(d) New York Sun, (e) Boston Daily Post.

48. In the 1840s, the invention that revolutionized news gathering was the

(a) telegraph, (b) telephone, (c) steamship, (d) teletypewriter, (e) linotype.

49. Many of the penny press’ innovations helped it cover its first big military conflict, the

(a) War of 1812, (b) The U.S.-Mexico War, (c) Civil War, (d) Spanish-American War.

50. The founder of the New York Times in 1851 was

(a) Henry Raymond, (b) Andrew H. Reeder, (c) John F. Reynolds, (d) John D. Rockefeller

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Chapter 7 Review and Assignments - Questions due March 6

Chap. 7: The Penny Press, 1833-1861

The penny press era is an important period in American journalism and has produced a large body of historical literature: biographies, reminiscences, surveys and analyses. Although historians have presented a variety of explanations of the period, most agree on certain assumptions. They recognize it as the beginning of modern journalism, they place an emphasis on the New York City press, and they emphasize the development of newspapers and journalistic practices. Despite these agreements, a number of questions central to the study of the penny press remain in dispute. You will have to read the chapter to get the answers for these questions. Please answer the following questions and submit them via email. You are also allowed to post your comments on this blog. In either case, I will respond to your blog and you will know your grade. Thank you.

1. What was the essential nature of the penny press?

2. Did the penny press provide a model of proper journalistic practices, as "Developmental" historians argued, or did it gain its value by advocating the ideological cause of the common man, as "Progressive" historians declared?

3. What were the reasons for the appearance of the penny press: the insight of great, creative men; the natural recognition by journalism of what proper newspapers should be; or great social forces that had come to the fore?

4. Although we know much about what was happening in the large urban areas of the nation—particularly New York City—what changes were occurring in the journalism of the smaller cities and rural areas? Were the changes a reflection of those that were occurring in the larger urban areas?

5. Who were the newspaper readers of the day? Why did they read? What effect did their reading have on the individuals and society at large?

6. Why does the emergence of the penny press seem to be a “natural” occurrence for Developmental historians?

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Chapter 6 Assignments - (Due Feb. 27)

In the lecture discussion of Feb. 5, the class was shown a newspaper that bore the words "published by authority" on its masthead, or flag. This words were a form of "prior restraint." This is the basis for much of the discussion on Chapter 6. Please answer the following questions.

(1) In 1644, John Milton published a pamphlet that would change the concept of press freedom and role of the press. He helped develop the idea that the press was "a marketplace of ideas" and that there should be no "prior restraint" to these ideas. Discuss these two ideas in your own words. Also, what was the name of the pamphlet and what is the origin of the name (web search)?

(2) Review the case of Benjamin Harris' attempt to publish a newspaper titled Publick Occurrences, Both Foreign and Domestic and review why he could not continue. This was discussed in class Feb. 5.
(3) The trial of John Peter Zenger was one of the greatest in American history and in journalism history worldwide. Zenger was helping James Alexander produce the New York Weekly-Journal, a newspaper which ran afoul of New York's Royal Governor William Cosby (also reviewed in class on Feb. 5). Review what happened to Zenger. Review also, Alexander Hamilton's defense found on page 102 of your text. What was Hamilton's chief defense and what did this lead to?
(4) Freedom of the Press was not clearly defined in our new country until the Bill of Rights was sent to Congress for approval in 1789. For the record, was Freedom of the Press the first issue that Congress reviewed? If not, why is it considered the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution?

Please submit answers via email or hard copy.

Test 1 change

Please review the weekly assignments post. First, there will be no test Feb. 19. We have not caught up. So, test 1 will be posted on the blog or emailed to you if I have everyone's email. More on this later. Please keep looking at this blog.

Chapter 5 Assignments - (Due Feb. 21)

Blog Assignment: At the end of Chapter 5, the author states that, in reality, the partisan press has never left American journalism. While he admits it is not as strong as it was during the early part of the 19th century, he points to the activities of The New York Times and CBS-TV as examples of how news outlets still favor one of the other political faction, be it Republican or Democrat or liberal or conservative. From your experience, write a brief (150 words at the most) essay on this posting about your feelings about the partisan press in America today. In other words, are CBS and NBC news biased toward a liberal agenda as it is reported? Is Fox News truly slanted, as the liberal press asserts? What other examples can you come up with? Feel free to scan the web, but don't copy paste. Use your own ideas. You will also be free to respond to your fellow classmates "postings." This should be fun. Good luck

Chapter 5/6 Assignments - (Due Feb. 20)

Assignment 1: Chapter 5 discussed "The Party Press" and Chapter 6 covered "Freedom of the Press." This was an era in American politics and journalism where newspapers chose sides. They would "support" and "sponsor" certain political parties. It would come to be known as "The Partisan Press." Along with that, some very treacherous legislation was filed that would impact the development of our nation and the role of the press in our nation.

The Alien and Section Acts - A discussion

Late in the 18th Century, under the threat of war with France, the United States Congress in 1798 passed four laws in an effort to strengthen the Federal government. Known collectively as the Alien and Sedition Acts, the legislation sponsored by the Federalists was also intended to quell any political opposition from the Republicans, led by Thomas Jefferson.

The first of the laws was the Naturalization Act, passed by Congress on June 18. This act required that aliens be residents for 14 years instead of 5 years before they became eligible for U.S. citizenship.

Congress then passed the Alien Act on June 25, authorizing the President to deport aliens "dangerous to the peace and safety of the United States" during peacetime.

The third law, the Alien Enemies Act, was enacted by Congress on July 6. This act allowed the wartime arrest, imprisonment and deportation of any alien subject to an enemy power.

The last of the laws, the Sedition Act, passed on July 14 declared that any treasonable activity, including the publication of "any false, scandalous and malicious writing," was a high misdemeanor, punishable by fine and imprisonment. By virtue of this legislation twenty-five men, most of them editors of Republican newspapers, were arrested and their newspapers forced to shut down.

One of the men arrested was Benjamin Franklin's grandson, Benjamin Franklin Bache, editor of the Philadelphia Democrat-Republican Aurora. Charged with libeling President Adams, Bache's arrest erupted in a public outcry against all of the Alien and Sedition Acts.

Many Americans questioned the constitutionality of these laws. Indeed, public opposition to the Alien and Sedition Acts was so great that they were in part responsible for the election of Thomas Jefferson, a Republican, to the presidency in 1800. Once in office, Jefferson pardoned all those convicted under the Sedition Act, while Congress restored all fines paid with interest.

To gain a more understanding of the events surrounding this era, please answer the following question. Answers can be found in Chapter 5/6 readings.

(1) What were the Alien and Sedition Acts and how did they threaten press freedom and the development of the American character?
(2) During the American Revolution, colonists learned that public opinion would be very important in forging an American character. Discuss the statement by Alexander Addison on New Year's Day 1799 and detail if it is still applicable. The statement is found on page 69 and starts by saying: "Give any set of men the command of the press, and you give them the command of the country, for you give them command of public opinion, which commands everything."
(3) A set of articles written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and John Jay help forge the future of the constitutional convention of our new country. What were these papers called? Where were they published? This work is considered to be one of most important and incisive works ever produced by the American political system.
(4) Read the section on "A Nation of Newspaper Readers" on page 71 and discuss the growth of the press and how different parties controlled the press.
(5) On page 74, the section "Objectivity vs. Partisanship" has some interesting quotes from a Federalist editor. Review his quote and talk about how this compares to today's journalistic standard.
(6) The term "gerrymandering" gained political popularity in the 19th and 20th century. It has its origins in American journalism. Discuss how this term started and how it was first introduced to the American public.
(7) Review the "Duel" between then U.S. Vice President Aaron Burr and the first U.S. secretary of the treasurer Alexander Hamilton (find details on the web or on page 79). What journalistic standard that we now practice was being challenged?
(8) According to your text, what was the name of the first American daily newspaper, who published it and where was it published?
(9) According to your text, when did the Partisan Press start to decline? Which government agency replaced the "patronage" system of printing that had assisted for political parties to keep the partisan press active?

Chapter 4 Assignment - (Due Feb. 17)

Assignment 1: On Chapter 4 - The Revolutionary Press (1765-1783) there are several very revealing historical and philosophical accounts of the growth of journalism in the United States. Please examine the following issues by writing a short statement of how impacted not only the growth of our county, but the concept of a revolutionary press reviewed in this chapter.

(1) How are the philosophers John Locke and Baron Charles Montesquieu linked to the development of the American experience and the revolutionary press?
(2) The Stamp Act required all legal documents, permits, commercial contracts, newspapers, wills, pamphlets, and playing cards in the colonies to carry a tax stamp. It was part of an economic program directly affecting colonial policy that was initiated in response to Britain’s greatly increased national debt incurred during the British victory in the Seven Years War (the North American theater of the war was referred to as the French and Indian War). The revolt against this act, essentially the cry of taxation without representation, helped fuel the first of the revolutionary press. Explain how?
(3) Ben Franklin had an enormous impact on the evolution of journalism in the United States, and there fore the world. In 1754 he created the first editorial cartoon. It was revived during the revolt against the Stamp Act. Review the cartoon and explain what it meant.
(4) Between 1719 and 1786 the revolutionary press in the colonies continued to grow. Which newspaper developed the highest circulation during that period?
(5) Explain what the Sons of Liberty used to do to American Tories, those (and they were the majority) who opposed the formation of a new and independent country.
(6) Thomas Paine was the preeminent writer of the revolutionary press. What did he write and which revolutionary newspaper published his work? What is the famous phrase that started his "American Crisis" piece. What does the term "scared rabbits" have to do with this piece of literature?
(7) In the heat of battle, how did Gen. George Washington keep his troops informed?
(8) The press certainly had a role in developing a new American nation. Read the last paragraph in Chapter 4 and describe your feelings and opinions about the press' role in changing society?

Please email your answers to me

Weekly Assignments update

This is the post where all weekly assignments will be update. Due to our slow start, we are 1 week behind. We will catch up as quickly as possible. I will highlight the dates as we progress and note UPDATE on each date as we progress. Please call if you have questions. Please review blog frequently, especially this post.

(Note: The following schedule is subject to change. It is intended as a guide to help the student keep up with readings and the flow of the class. You are responsible for any reading assignment posted on this syllabus.)
Please note alternate class and blog dates on the top of each scheduled class meeting.

Class Meeting

· Thursday, Jan. 15: Introduction, get to know each other. Assignment: Do we have any cave drawings in South Texas? If so find them and let’s discuss, Thursday. Bring copies of samples of cave drawings to class. Assignment: Read Introduction: Why Study Media History, and Chapter 1: Origins of Mass Communication. View PowerPoint presentation on early communication efforts. Talk about cave drawings. Discuss Chapter 1. Assignment: Read Chapter 2: Printing in America, 1500-1690.

Class Assignment

· Thursday, Jan. 22. - Continue discussion of Chapter 1. View PowerPoint on Advances in Printing. Start discussion of Chapter 2. Continue discussion of Chapter 2. Show movie on Hispanics in Journalism. Assignments: Do an essay on Hispanic journalist in your area. Example: Pick a Hispanic media outlet or Hispanic media personality (i.e. in SA Henry Guerra, David Flores, Carlos Guerra, alumni Efrain Gutiérrez and in Kingsville or South Texas area Rudy Treviño, Marcy Martínez, Nick Jiménez, or any Hispanic alumni etc.)It can also be a radio or TV show like "Henry Guerra's San Antonio" or "Domingo Live" on Channel 3 in Corpus Christi. Essay should be no more than 350 words. Also, Read Chapter 3: The Colonial Press, 1690-1765.

Blog Assignment

·Thursday, Jan. 29 - Start discussion on Chapter 3. Review the work of pioneers like Ben Franklin, Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson. Assignment: Read Chapter 4: The Revolutionary Press. Discuss assignment on Hispanic Press. Presentations on Hispanic journalists due. This will be done discussion style but written work must be submitted and students must be ready to answer questions on their subject. Continue discussion on Chapter 3. Review thoughts of the Partisan press. Also, start discussion on Chapter 4. Assignments: Do we have a partisan press in America now? Be prepared to discuss this in next class. This is an oral quiz. You will be given credit for correct answers. Make sure I get you name right. Also, Read Chapter 5: The Party Press. This chapter relates directly to your assignment on the partisan press.

Class Meeting

· Thursday, Feb 5 - Continue discussion on Chapter 4. Discuss papers on the partisan press. Start discussion on Chapter 5. Assignment: Read Chapter 6: Freedom of the Press, 1690-1804. Continue discussion on Chapter 5. Start discussion on Chapter 6. View PowerPoint on Freedom of the Press. Assignment: Read Chapter 7: The Penny Press, 1833-1861.

Blog Assignment

·Thursday, Feb. 12 - Continue discussion on Chapter 6; start discussion on Chapter 7. Complete blog assignments.

Blog Assignment

·Thursday, Feb. 19 - Handout review for Test 1. Test 1 (Chapters 1-7) will be given via the blog. It will be posted soon. It's a take home test. Assignment: Read Chapter 8: The Antebellum Press, 1820-1861.

Class Meeting

·Thursday, Feb. 26 UPDATE - Class from San Antonio this day. Possible guest speaker: Gus Gonzalez, Media Consultant for the Associated Press. Discuss Chapter 8. Assignment: Read Chapter 9: The Press and the Civil War: 1861-1865. Also, go online and review the work of Frederick Douglass. Review handout on Spanish newspapers in the United States during the Civil War. Read: Chapter 10: The Frontier Press, 1800-1900. Discus Chapter 9 and Chapter 10. Be ready to talk about Frederick Douglass’ contributions to journalism and something called the development of the alternative press. Review some of the Spanish-language newspapers around during Civil War Era. Chapter 11: The Press and Industrial America. Remind students about Final Project Assignment.

Blog Assignment

· Thursday, March 5 - Discuss Chapter 11. Also, review Final Project assignment. By this date, post Frederick Douglass’ paper on blog. Assignment: Read Chapter 12: The Age of New Journalism. Review for Test 2. Read Chapter 13: American Magazines and Chapter 14: The Development of Advertising.

Blog Assignment

· Thursday, March 12 - Discuss Chapters 13, 14. Assignment: Read Chapter 15: The Emergence of Modern Media. Also, read handout on The Progressive Era and the Muckrakers. Prepare for class discussion on Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle and other work of that era. (TAMUK-SCSA Spring Break).

Blog Assignment

·Thursday, March 19- TAMUK Spring Break. Assignment: Read Chapter 16: Media and Reform. Read Chapter 17: The Media and National Crisis. Be ready to talk about media reaction after 9/11 disaster. Go online and find out about the impact of former President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s “Fireside Chats” on the radio. How does our new president Barack Obama measure up in his radio address? Are people listening? Be able to discuss this during a future class.

Class Assignment
Class will be from San Antonio

·Thursday March 26: Discuss Chapter 15, 16. Possible guest speaker Gustavo Gonzalez, consultant for the American Press Institute, based in San Antonio. Be ready to discuss the muckraking era, Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle. Muckraking PowerPoint. Class discussion on Fireside Chats and 9/11 coverage by collegiate newspapers (pending). Assignment: Read Chapter 17: The Media and National Crisis.

Blog Assignment

· Thursday, April 2 – Take at home test on the blog. Test will be posted early that week. Due Thursday, April 9 via email, fax or delivered to the professor. Discuss Chapter 17 assignment on blog. Assignments: Read Chapter 18: Radio Comes of Age. Also, do you listen to radio? Be ready to discuss. What is “talk radio?” Read Chapter 19: The Entertainment Media.

Class Assignment

· Thursday, April 9 – Discuss Chapter 19. Possible guest speaker, Shane Fitzgerald, editor of the Corpus Christi Caller-Times. Class discussion on entertainment media. Assignments: Read Chapter 20: The Age of Mass Magazines. Be ready to talk about your favorite magazine and why. This is an oral discussion assignment. You will be given credit for answering.

Class Assignment

·Thursday, April 16: Discuss Chapter 20, 21. Class discussion on favorite magazines. View PowerPoint on PR. Possible guest speaker, Michelle Peters, director of public relations and communications for the Corpus Christi Chamber of Commerce. Assignments: Read Chapter 21: Modern Advertising. Also, review the ads of the last Super Bowl and others. Review PowerPoint on Ad Slogans. Read Chapter 22: Public Relations 1900-present. Turn in Final Project assignment. Read Chapter 23: The Media in Transition.

Blog Assignment

· Thursday, April 23: Discuss Chapter 22, 23 on blog. Assignments: Turn in Final Project. Read Chapter 24: The News Media, 1974-2000, and Chapter 25: The Contemporary Media, 2000-present.

Class Assignment

· Thursday, April 30: Selected students present book reviews.

Class Assignment

·Thursday, May 7: Selected students present book reviews. Prepare for comprehensive final exam.

· END OF THE COURSE! Final, to be announced.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Don't forget Feb. 5 is class meeting

Just a reminder: We have class this Thursday, Feb. 5 to discuss Chapters 2-4 and your assignment is due. If you have not sent your assignment to me via email or posted it on the blog, please bring it to class, Kingsville students. SA students need to email it to me or blog it as soon as possible. Keep a copy to discuss in class.